With teen acne outbreaks popping up left and right, Americans are beginning to take notice and becoming more conscious with what they eat and how it affects their bodies. Acne clear free skin treatment is giving way as expensive acne fads rage. Everything from chocolate skin care to Kangen water. Despite everything we know, some people still just can't seem to make the effort to get back to nature and start living a truly natural chemical free acne free life. While not only beneficial in helping alleviate acne it can transform your life in a manner that can be rich beyond measure.
To help you, I've decided to give you a starting point on your road to your acne clear complexion.
Quit smoking and if you don’t smoke great, don't start. Smoking is an addiction, there is no truth to the rumor that people can pick up the habit just for a little while and quit whenever they want. Once cigarettes get you hooked. That's it, it's not that easy to let go. Look you have seen all the studies that tell you how bad tobacco is for you. There is really no need to rehash what you already know. But let me leave you with this little tidbit. Scientific studies have shown that 42 percent of smokers suffer from acne while only 10 percent of non smokers do. You do the math.
Stop eating that fatty, greasy, sugary; over processed stuff you call food. How can you expect to look your best when you are running you body on a fuel that consists of chips and candy. You have to come to that corny realization that you are indeed what you eat. Give your body what it deserves; fresh fruits, vegetables, nuts, whole grains .Get your proteins from dairy and fish instead of red meat that is more difficult for your body to process. Enjoy foods like beets, almonds and cashews that are high in oxalic acid. Many people believe oxalic acid to be God's poison with a purpose and have attributed its beneficial properties to nothing less than a cure for cancer. While I don’t know about curing cancer a lot of folks swear by the foods that are high in oxalic acid when it comes to helping to get rid of pimples. The idea is to consume foods that help your body remove toxins and not allow it to become a platform that is conducive to acne, pimples and zits getting a foothold. And the only way to find those foods is to educate you.
Drink water and then have some more water. It's unbelievable the amount of soda pop, coffee and energy drinks we here in America consume. I am not suggesting you cut these things out all together. Life is meant to be enjoyed and savored. But it's also an endeavor that requires us to make choices. So expand your choices. Try Kombucha tea, it will increase you energy and helps with acne by being an excellent bodily detoxifier. Get yourself a juicer and drink fresh juices right from the source. Nothing processed or altered. Next time when you look in the mirror and that third eye pimple on the end of your nose winks at you. Realize you are an active participant in your life. It is an accumulation of the choices and paths you decide to follow.
Get plenty of exercise and be active. This is your life. It's not a dress rehearsal. Do you want to be an active participant in it or are you willing to watch it pass you by while you sit on the couch watching others live theirs on television? Studies conclude that exercise not only is good for your complexion but is beneficial in your over health and is a giant factor in the reduction of stress in your life. Get up move. How's that Nike commercial go? Just do it.
Look, I realize I am not breaking any new ground here. You know all this stuff and know it to be true. Yet day in and day out people continue to ignore what is right in front of them and head off on a search for an expensive acne magic pill that hasn't yet been discovered. Why not spend your time educating yourself on matters that can make a difference in the way you look and the life you live. Life is a journey not a destination. Acne clear skin is the destination. But the journey of getting to that destination is the experience of your life. I've been dealing with acne in one form or another my entire life. It wasn't until my last post that I ever dreamed urine curing acne was even a remote possibility.
Maybe next time you look in the mirror. That third eye on the tip of your nose won't just wink at you. Maybe it will have the same conversation with you we are having right now. And maybe just maybe, you can also put the free back in acne clear free skin treatment.