Over the weekend I attended a kind of Tupperware pimple party. Well it was more like a popping zit extravaganza (I'll have more in a later post). Anyway there were all types of acne info, devices and products that were being displayed, demonstrated and sold. One acne device that caught my eye was something called a zit zapper. I am not talking about skin doctors overnight zit zapper solution.
No, this is a "device" that is about the size of a slim cigarette lighter and according to the promotional material it's getting rid of zits by zapping them with "thermal heat", whatever that means. There were two manufactures represented. One was made by Zeno and the other by a company named Thermaclear.
Rebecca the rep that was demonstrating the devices had a zeal for these two things that reminded me of a high school kid bragging on her first boy friend. You would have thought that if wasn't for these two inventions we would have never discovered water on the moon. According to Rebecca, either zit zapper was the best thing since sliced bread. She was having wonderful success with them on her acne and just couldn’t say enough good things.
My only problem with her presentation was that Rebecca didn't appear to be having a lot of success with anything as it pertained to her acne. Now granted, I have no idea how she looked before she started on her home acne treatment that included a good dose of zit zapper. Nor did our conversation turn to what her cure for pimples consisted of. But god bless her, she appeared to be an honest person so I can only assume she had some big acne problems if this was wonderful success.
I put my apprehension aside, thinking I may write about this on my blog and gave Rebecca 100% of my attention, becoming her acne guinea pig. Immediately she informed me that these devices were the best treatment for adult acne and perfect for those blemishes that were just under the skin. I'll give this to Rebecca, her skin may not be perfect but she has the eye sight of an owl. Although I didn't expect her to mistake me for a teen, I had on my best acne makeup and thought it was doing a good job of hiding those blemishes. I was stunned with how easily Rebecca zeroed in on my imperfections.
She then proceeded to touch the Zeno zit zapper to my face and held it in place for two minutes (actually there were 4 beeps that came at 30 second intervals) during this time I felt a kind of warmth that was not at all unpleasant. As a matter of fact it was somewhat soothing.
She then picked up the Thermaclear zit zapper and placed it against another blemish. This time the device gave me a quick zap. She couldn't have held it in position for longer than 2 seconds and yippie kay-yay the thing gave me a zap. Rebecca did give me a bit of a warning that it may sting, but I wasn't prepared for the sting that came. Now it wasn't a make you want to cry zap but you defiantly felt the difference from the Zeno device.
She proceeded to explain that both zit zappers are battery operated and work on the principle of using heat to destroy bacteria thereby helping pimples to disappear faster. As a matter of fact, she said I should see my zits gone overnight.
While I like the idea behind the products I got quite a bit of sticker shock when informed their cost was in the $150 to $200 dollar range. You guys know there isn't much I won't do for the sake of this blog and you. I gave urine acne therapy a try for you guys. But two hundred dollars! Then on reflection, if the zit zapper can do what it claims, the price isn't bad at all. So here's my dilemma.
I didn't fork over the money to buy one of the zit zappers and my only exposure to the devices is what was just explained to you. Now both of the blemishes that I had that day are gone and it's two days later. But am I giving credit to the zit zapper or were these two under the skin blemishes running their natural course and would be gone anyway. I'd really like to get some input from you guys that have used these things over a period of time. Tell me about your experiences; tell me what you think of the zit zapper?